Second project from OISISI Subject (Fundamentals of Information Systems and Software Engineering); E2/RA-PRNiI, 5th semester - PYTHON.

View the Project on GitHub One-E2-Team/OISISI_HTMLSE


Second project from OISISI Subject (Fundamentals of Information Systems and Software Engineering); E2/RA-PRNiI, 5th semester - PYTHON.

HTMLSE website

In order to set up Test Dataset, Run as Administrator following PowerShell command (only on Windows, in Linux default execution policy in powershel is Unrestricted, however, given script won’t work under Linux ¯\(ツ)/¯)

Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

After that, every time you need the test set rebuild just run the get-dataset-test.ps1 poweshell script.

This program has been developed and tested using Python interpreter version 3.7.5.

Needed external python libraries (without their requirements):

or see requirements.txt


The ranking algorithm (as well as all functions in project) are explained in documentation comments within the code. For Ranking alorithm, as entry point to the explanation, use get_ranks method in module irank in search package. Check out the Documentation.